Welcome to DGA’s BDC DIAG ….where we explore what works and then what works even better to expand your customer base. It’s Wednesday, November 25th. Today I’m thinking about bottom line strategies and of course Turkey….
I have to say I’m getting sold on preview dialing. The numbers are impressive - an average 30% increase in sales, and 40% savings in operations. Here’s the real shocker: dials per hour are doubled. Yes. Doubled. Preview dialing typically creates a pace of 50 DPH - fully 2-3 times faster than manual dialing! Our phone calls start with automatic dialing and end with an agent prepared with information on the customer or prospect. It is the very best human-tech interface we’ve found in the market. It works if your CRM system is in good shape. That’s the topic of another blog. Dealers tell me that one of their favorite features is that preview dialing keeps them in control of the contact cycle, rather than relying on business development representatives to make those important decisions. Later this week we’ll be exploring web-to-campaign strategies, another human-tech victory. Spoiler alert: Web-to-campaign actually takes an internet lead from its lead source, emails the lead to the campaign, and prompts an immediate contact that takes priority over all other outbound contacts. Yes. It does. Nicholas R. Lawrenson Chief Operating Officer O: (239) 221-5230 M: (443) 864-7834 [email protected] www.DGAauto.com
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December 2024